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Featured Member ~ Alex Davies Photography


Happy Thursday everyone! Today we have a very neat interview with Alex Davies of Alex Davies Photography, our featured member this week!

To see more of Alex’s work please visit:

How long have you been doing photography?
I started photography as a hobby in 2002 with a film camera and some black & white film. I learned to develop film and fell in love with creating images. My favourite subject matter at the time was architecture and then I got caught up in my IT career and photography went on hold for a while. The digital revolution came along and renewed my interest in photography. I bought my first digital camera in 2005 and changed cameras 3 times in a year I think. My thirst for learning never slowed and I wanted to experiment and learn as much as possible. I began working with models from Model Mayhem to get to know my camera and it’s capabilities. I got married to my husband in 2008 and while looking for a wedding photographer decided that was the job for me. It wasn’t until last year I was able to go full time with my dream of being a wedding photographer.

Where is your business located?
I’m located in Manchester, England.

What type of photography do you do?
I mainly do weddings but I do some portraiture as well. I love being able to document someone’s special day – there’s no feeling like seeing 2 people in love through your lens and capturing those special moments. I never work in a studio as I much prefer to work outside in the open. White walls vs natural landscape – it’s a no brainer!

What was the thing that attracted you to photography the most?
The thing that attracted me to photography was that it became my creative outlet. I had always been a more creative than academic person and liked to make things and create things. However I’m definately not an artist in the drawing sense so my photography allows me to express myself in a way that no other medium can. To me, processing my images is just as important as taking the photographs. Some people might argue that work should be shown straight out of camera but I don’t agree. I like to give my images a bit of a vintage, modern twist in order to set my work apart from other photographers.

What kind of cameras do you shoot with?
I shoot with two Canon 5D mark II’s. They are amazing! I love their ability to shoot in low light (I hate using flash!) and they are just a tremendous tool to be able to work with.

What is your favorite lens to shoot with and why?
Oh gosh, there are so many – do I really have to name just one? For me it’s a toss up between the Canon 50mm f1.2 and the Canon 16-35mm f1.4. Portraits on the 50mm look so sharp. It’s just a great lens for photographing brides. The wide angle is such a versatile lens. At 35mm there is little distortion and at 16mm it’s awesome for group and venue shots. I didn’t think I would use this lens as much when I purchased it but it’s rarely off the camera!

What is your favorite part of running your business?
My favourite part of running my business is when I get back to the office with a set of new photographs. I can’t wait to look through them and start editing. I’m like a kid in a candy shop.

What do you feel is the biggest challenge of running your business?
The biggest challenge of running my business is undoubtedly the customers. Everyone you meet is different and you never know how people will react to the final product. Hopefully if I’ve done my job properly they will love the images but you never can tell.

What do you think your clients like most about your work?
I think my clients like my style and my personality. My work is quite different from a lot of wedding photographers who tend to go down the very traditional route. To me traditional is boring. Some photographers are still doing the same things they were doing 20 years ago. Times change and unless you evolve you get left behind. I look to the USA for a lot of my inspiration. Photographers there just seem to have it nailed.

How has The Shoppe helped your business?
The Shoppe has helped my business in numerous ways. When I was looking to have my website and blog rebranded I bought the Chinoserie branding pack. Now everything has a running theme from my postcards to my business cards to my compliments slips whereas before it was all a bit of a mish mash. I think consistency in branding is key. Like I mentioned perviously I’m no artist so I could never have come up with anything like this myself and the only other option would be to pay a tonne of money to a graphic designer or a marketing agency, something which as a one woman business I can’t afford to do. It’s perfect and it reflects my style and my brand so well.

What is your favorite section or item in The Shoppe?
So my favourite section of the Shoppe is the marketing/branding section. The designs are so beautiful and so unique not to mention easy to customize to your
requirements. What more could you wish for :)

Thank you for joining us today Alex and sharing about your business! Alex leaves us with some favorite images to enjoy :

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